Quick Script Share - Upgrade Windows Certificate Authority from CSP to KSP and from SHA-1 to SHA-256

I recently had the chance to work with Microsoft PFE, Mike MacGillivray, on an upgrade of some Windows Certificate Authorities and want to share the upgrade script with you. Here it is, without commentary. Details and explanation are currently forthcoming.

#requires -Version 2
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
$OldEAP = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

Function Add-LogEntry
        [Parameter(Position = 0, 
                Mandatory = $True, 
        ValueFromPipeline = $True)] 
        [Parameter(Position = 1, 
                Mandatory = $True, 
        ValueFromPipeline = $True)] 
    $LogThis = "$(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'): $LogMessage"
    $LogThis | Out-File -FilePath $LogLocation -Append
    write-output $LogThis

Write-Output -InputObject @"
:: This script will migrate CA keys from CSP to KSP and set up SHA256 for cert signing.
:: It will only work on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 where the CA is configured with CSP.
:: (It won't work on Server 2008 R2)
:: Use CTRL+C to kill


#region Stage 1 - Set Variables
$Password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Set password for key backup (not stored in script as securestring)'

$Drivename = Read-Host -Prompt 'Set drive letter including colon [C:]'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Drivename)) 
    $Drivename = 'C:' 

$Foldername = Read-Host -Prompt "Set folder name [CA-KSPMigration_$($env:computername)]"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Foldername)) 
    $Foldername = "CA-KSPMigration_$($env:computername)" 

if (Test-Path -Path "$Drivename\$Foldername") 
    Remove-Item -Path "$Drivename\$Foldername" -Recurse -Force 
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$Drivename\$Foldername"

$CAName = cmd.exe /c 'certutil.exe -cainfo name'
$CAName = $CAName[0].split(' ')[-1]

$Logpath = Read-Host -Prompt "Set log path [$($Drivename)\$($Foldername)\log.txt]"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Logpath)) 
    $Logpath = "$($Drivename)\$($Foldername)\log.txt" 

Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Variables configured'
Add-LogEntry $Logpath "Password: $($Password)"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath "Drivename: $($Drivename)"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath "Foldername: $($Foldername)"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath "CAName: $($CAName)"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath "Logpath: $($Logpath)"

#region Stage 2 - Backup Existing CA
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Performing full CA backup'

    cmd.exe /c "certutil -p $($Password) -backup $("$Drivename\$Foldername")"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Saved CA database and cert'

    cmd.exe /c "reg export hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\certsvc\configuration $("$Drivename\$Foldername")\CA_Registry_Settings.reg /y"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Saved reg keys'

    Copy-Item -Path 'C:\Windows\System32\certsrv\certenroll\*.crl' -Destination "$Drivename\$Foldername"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Copied CRL files'

    cmd.exe /c 'certutil -catemplates' | Out-File -FilePath "$Drivename\$Foldername\Published_templates.txt"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Got list of published cert templates'
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Finished full CA backup'
catch [Exception]
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath "*** Activity failed - Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

#region Stage 3 - Delete existing certs and keys
    Stop-Service -Name 'certsvc'
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'CA service stopped'
    $CertSerial = cmd.exe /c "certutil -store My $("$CAName")" | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_ -match 'hash' 
    $CertSerial | Out-File -FilePath "$Drivename\$Foldername\CA_Certificates.txt"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Got CA cert serials'
    $CertProvider = cmd.exe /c "certutil -store My $("$CAName")" | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_ -match 'provider' 
    $CertProvider | Out-File -FilePath "$Drivename\$Foldername\CSP.txt"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Got CA CSPs'
    $CertSerial | ForEach-Object -Process {
        cmd.exe /c "certutil -delstore My `"$($_.Split(':')[-1].trim(' '))`"" 
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Deleted CA certificates'
    $CertProvider | ForEach-Object -Process {
        cmd.exe /c "certutil -CSP `"$($_.Split('=')[-1].trim(' '))`" -delkey $("$CAName")" 
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Deleted CA private keys'
catch [Exception]
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath "*** Activity failed - Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

#region Stage 4 - Import keys in KSP and restore to CA
    cmd.exe /c "certutil -p $Password -csp `"Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider`" -importpfx `"$("$Drivename\$Foldername\$CAName.p12")`""
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Imported CA cert and keys into KSP'
    cmd.exe /c "certutil -exportpfx -p $Password My $("$CAName") `"$("$Drivename\$Foldername\NewCAKeys.p12")`""
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Exported keys so they can be installed on the CA'
    cmd.exe /c "certutil -p $Password -restorekey `"$("$Drivename\$Foldername\NewCAKeys.p12")`""
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Restored keys into CA'
catch [Exception]
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath "*** Activity failed - Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

#region Stage 5 - Create and import required registry settings
    $CSPreg = @"
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Provider"="Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
    $CSPreg | Out-File -FilePath "$Drivename\$Foldername\csp.reg"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Created csp.reg'
    $Encryptionreg = @"
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Provider"="Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
    $Encryptionreg | Out-File -FilePath "$Drivename\$Foldername\encryption.reg"
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Created encryption.reg'
catch [Exception]
    Add-LogEntry $Logpath "*** Activity failed - Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

cmd.exe /c "reg import $("$Drivename\$Foldername\encryption.reg")"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Imported encryption.reg'

cmd.exe /c "reg import $("$Drivename\$Foldername\csp.reg")"
Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Imported csp.reg'

Start-Service -Name 'certsvc'
Add-LogEntry $Logpath 'Started certsvc'


$ErrorActionPreference = $OldEAP


Written on January 11, 2016