Quick Tip - Find All The Mail Enabled Groups A User Is A Member Of

Here’s a one-liner that will help you find all the mail enabled groups that a user is a member of. A little pre-requisite reading is this bit on group types to understand the difference between a security group and a distribution group: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc781446%28WS.10%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

Here’s the one-liner!

(get-aduser ThmsRynr -properties memberof).memberof | % { get-adgroup $_ } | ? { $_.GroupCategory -eq "Distribution" } | ft Name

It might not be the epitome of efficiency but it works and served me well when I needed it to.

First, we’re running a Get-ADUser command on our interesting user and making sure to retrieve the MemberOf property in addition to the standard properties returned. Out of all of the returned properties, it turns out that MemberOf is the only one I’m interested in so I select only that property by wrapping the command in brackets and appending .MemberOf. Second, I’m piping all of the groups that the user is a member of into a foreach-object loop. For each of the objects returned, I’m performing a Get-ADGroup. I have to do this because I can’t necessarily tell which groups the user is a member of are mail enabled just from their name, I have to run the Get-ADGroup command to get more information. I’m piping these results into a where-object command where I select only the groups whose GroupCategory is equal to “Distribution” (see the pre-requisite reading above). Then I format the group names into a table.

I could have got every group in my Active Directory and searched for groups that contained my user as a member and were Distribution types, but in my situation, it was faster to only spot check the groups that the user was actually a member of. I have a lot of groups, you might not.

Written on May 27, 2015