Sharing MVPDays YEG Presentation Material

Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking twice at MVPDays in Edmonton. I did two sessions. The first was titled “PowerShell 5.0 - A Brave New World” where Sean Kearney and I introduced the tip of the iceberg that is all the new stuff in PowerShell 5.0. The other session I did was on my own, titled “Going From PowerShell Newbie to PowerShell Ninja”. In the latter session, I promised to share some things today, and I’m here to deliver.

OPML File of Blogs I Follow - This is a file that you can import into any modern RSS reader. I follow 40+ blogs on PowerShell, technology and related topics. Feel free to take a look through the blogs I’ve endorsed here and follow all of them, or just the ones that make sense to you. Among these blogs are the premier resources I mentioned in my session: Hey, Scripting Guy! and

My PowerShell People Twitter List - If you’re looking to find people on Twitter who are knowledgeable about PowerShell, take a look at this list I curate. You can follow the whole list or take a look at these people I personally follow and recommend. Remember, Twitter is a great way to get introduced to new resources and connect with like-minded people. Follow the #PowerShell hashtag and join in for #MVPHour every other Monday.

Subscribe to the EMUG Mailing List - If you live in the Edmonton area and enjoyed MVPDays, you should consider signing up for the Edmonton Microsoft User Group mailing list, if you aren’t signed up already. This is the best way to stay informed about when similar events will be occurring. In fact, EMUG hosts several events throughout the year just for our members. Check out to find other regional PowerShell user groups who share their content, or join the virtual group.

And, of course, you can find me on Twitter (best way to reach me) and LinkedIn.

Good luck on your journey from PowerShell Newbie to PowerShell Ninja, and happy scripting!

Written on September 28, 2015